Intermediate Bleed Control Kit

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SKU:6157010 ,UPC:




Our Bleed Control Kit contains the necessary components to assist in an emergency bleeding situation. Designed to provide easy and quick access to the proper supplies.

Kit includes:

  • Tourniquet: Black, plastic pole and "Time" label
  • Chest Seals: Two vented chest seals
  • Compression Bandages: Israeli Style w/ gauze pad, 6" x 5 YDS, sterile, closure bar, cotton/polyester
  • Bleed Control Bandages: Two 4.5" x 4.1 YDS compressed gauze, 6-Ply, cotton, sterile
  • Space Emergency Blanket: 84" x 52", Silver Foil
  • Nitrile Gloves: Two pairs of latex-free, powder-free, large nitrile gloves
  • Scissors: Black plastic handle, black stainless-steel blades, 6"
  • Marker: Permanent black marker
  • Instructions: Instruction pamphlet for each component
  • Kit Bag: Red nylon, 7"x5"x2.5", 4 large / 6 small elastic loops, pocket on inside
  • Meets TX HB496 requirements

HB496 Requirements:

  • Tourniquets: Possibly the most critical piece of life-saving equipment your bleeding control kit can have is a tourniquet, which stems arterial bleeding in a victim's extremities. Various designs are available on the market, but keep in mind that Texas requires tourniquets that are approved by the armed forces of the United States for use in battlefield trauma care.
  • Chest seals: This dressing was created specifically to treat one kind of wound: a sucking chest wound. These chest wounds soften from a gunshot, stabbing, or other puncturing make a new pathway for air to travel in and out the chest and can result in collapsed lungs.
  • Compression bandages: There are numerous ways to stop traumatic bleeding, but they all have one thing in common: compression. Compression bandages allow you to keep sustained pressure on a wound while freeing your hands to address other issues.
  • Bleeding control bandages: Deep wounds need to be packed with gauze to control the bleeding. Done correctly, it can significantly reduce the time that direct pressure must be applied to arterial wounds. Some bandages also come treated with hemostatic agents that is not enough blood circulating through the body to keep organs and tissue functioning normally. Hypothermia decreases a persons ability to form clots. Keeping warm delays the onset of shock and maintains the bodys ability to clot.
  • Latex-free gloves: In situations that require a bleeding control kit, there will likely be other bodily fluids, too. Nitrile exam gloves offer the wearer and the patient some protection from infection and bloodborne illnesses like HIV and hepatitis.
  • Scissors: In a traumatic, high-stress event, getting to a wound in order to treat it might mean removing clothing. It is often safer and quicker to cut away the clothing than to try to move the patient around.
  • Markers: A marker can be used to write on a variety of surfaces, including paper, tape, tourniquet flaps, compression bandages, and skin to record the time aid was rendered.

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Intermediate Bleed Control Kit
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