1. Measure the circumference of your leg at 2 inches above the cast or wound. If this is at the knee, then measure above the knee. The cast cover will not work if sealed at the knee.
2. Measure the length from your heel to 2 inches above the cast or wound. As long as the length of the cast cover is longer than your measurement, you are good to go! Any excess material in length will be shrunken down with the vacuum seal.
1. Measure the circumference of your leg at 2 inches above the cast or wound. If this is at the knee, then measure above the knee. The cast cover will not work if sealed at the knee.
2. Measure the length from your heel to 2 inches above the cast or wound. As long as the length of the cast cover is longer than your measurement, you are good to go! Any excess material in length will be shrunken down with the vacuum seal.
1. Measure the circumference of your leg at 2 inches above the cast or wound. If this is at the knee, then measure above the knee. The cast cover will not work if sealed at the knee.
2. Measure the length from your heel to 2 inches above the cast or wound. As long as the length of the cast cover is longer than your measurement, you are good to go! Any excess material in length will be shrunken down with the vacuum seal.
1. Measure the circumference of your leg at 2 inches above the cast or wound. If this is at the knee, then measure above the knee. The cast cover will not work if sealed at the knee.
2. Measure the length from your heel to 2 inches above the cast or wound. As long as the length of the cast cover is longer than your measurement, you are good to go! Any excess material in length will be shrunken down with the vacuum seal.